I can't believe i'm finally done!!! days later, i finish the hellish task of building a homepage. it's not much, but you might find something of interest here. paranoia seems to run in my family, so i've tried to keep this place as impersonal as possible. it's not much: the best pages here, in my opinion(and since i'm the creator, mine's is the only opinion that matters, ha!), the poetry page(which was created with, ugh, netscape composer) and the cheesecake page. i thought to myself as i was busy downloading wwf and "red dwarf" images for a link page, "how overdone!", and i trashed that idea. i suppose one could consider this webpage to be a window (albeit a clouded one) to my soul. now if only i could find a tori amos "cruel" midi file. then my life would be complete!
well, i'm a 19 year old college student who has, so far, done pretty well in school. i've managed to pass all the tests, getting a good but not too good 1400 on the oh-so-holy SATs. in the eyes of Iowa, Evanston, and the government, i am smart. yay. i have no aspirations or ambitions; i just want to be a housewife. actually, the only reason i'm in college now, majoring in Anthropology and minoring in Mathematics as of August, is because i haven't found a husband yet. if it weren't for those stupid shit-faced feminists, i could be cookin' and cleanin' for my man right now, instead of trying to join the work force. yes people, i'm serious.
wwf. red dwarf. sifl & olly. Star Wars. Anti-social.com. mancow muller. dead can dance. tori amos. bela fleck and the *snicker* flecktones. the libertarian party. phillip k. dick. ursula k. leguin. stephen donaldson. papa john's. onions. red meat. emp's cum. luddites. m.c. escher(not the dj). voltaire. kierkegaard. the eighties. other people. poetry. this planet. cheesecake. les diaboliques. the male body. life.
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visitors since July 1999
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